There was another SpaceX launch today. It was just after sunset and there was good visibility. Again, my telescope mount can't track fast enough to follow a rocket launch, so I just manually moved it - leading where the rocket was going to be and snapping pictures when it came into frame and repeating. The camera was configured for bracketing, so every 3 pictures are looping through different exposure times. Towards the end, I took the camera out of the telescope and connected my 18-200mm zoom lens and got some pictures using my camera tripod. I also got a few pictures on my phone.
During this whole launch, I had my GoPro pointed in about the right direction. You can see the video here. The launch is in frame from about 2:50 to 4:50.
Before the launch, I got some neat city pictures and sunset pictures where the sun is distorted by the atmospheric refraction setting over the pacific. After the launch, I attempted to get some pictures of the comet Pons-Brooks and the orion nebula. I couldn't get really great images because it was so windy and it was blowing around my telescope too much for the long exposures needed. I had a pretty sharp focus, but all the stars just look like balls of string because it was so windy.