I setup in my work parking lot and decided to take a few pictures with my guide camera. The mount wasn't aligned super well and I was hand focusing while looking at the laptop screen showing the live camera views. I tried for Jupiter, the Andromeda galaxy, the pleiades. There's too much light pollution around where I work to be able to see the Andromeda galaxy without a long exposure. This makes it hard to find. While trying to find the Andromeda galaxy, I took a picture while pointed in the right general direction and used the astrometry.net offline field solver to identify some stars that I can lookup on Stellarium to see what direction I need to move the view. In those pictures, there's a star that's blurrier than the others. It's in the right place to be a known star, so it was probably just a small cloud or other atmospheric effect covering that star. But maybe I just discovered something? - haha.