I got a guide camera, which is intended to plug into the finder scope and make micro adjustments to the mount's tracking. This will counteract the small misalignment due to me not perfectly placing the mount. I got the ZWO ASI462MM. This camera connects to the mount and to a computer. Software on the computer (I'm using phd2) takes pictures and watches a star that you click on. If it sees that star start moving into adjacent pixels, the software will tell the mount (through the camera) to move a little bit in the opposite direction. This allows a main camera in the telescope to take longer exposures without star trails.
But it's also a camera, so I decided to have a bit of fun with it and not use it for guiding. I got a some pictures of the moon, the orion nebula, some random stars, and an attempt at Venus - which was setting behind a building so it looks really weird.