
Tonight, I wanted to use my new TeleVue Ethos eyepiece. I setup in my back yard intending to look at something with it. I found the M5 globular cluster on Stellarium and got it lined up and it was really cool. The Ethos FOV really is surprisingly large. At 268x magnification, I could actually resolve some of the stars in the otherwise fuzzy blob of the cluster.

Once I had found it, I wanted to take a picture of it. But I didn't have any convenient nearby star that was bright enough to use the Bahtinov mask - though it occurred to me after that maybe a long exposure through the Bahtinov mask would have worked. Instead, I focused it by turning the focus knob, then taking a long exposure ~30s, then repeating until it was in focus. It took a while, but it eventually worked well enough. In one of the raw images, you can see the mount not tracking well at all. It was likely from backlash in the motors after I moved the view slightly.

Raw Images: