
Tonight there was a nice crescent Moon, and I wanted to try again without the dusty 2x barlow lens and with the Bahtinov mask for focusing.

I took some longer exposures to show the unlit part of the Moon, which is visible due to earthshine - the sunlit part of earth reflects enough light to make the unlit part of the Moon visible from earth. The term "dark side of the Moon" can actually refer to two things. The unlit side of the Moon or the side that never faces earth. The Moon is tidally locked, meaning it rotates around it's spin axis once in the same amount of time it revolves around the earth once, so one side always faces earth. The far side of the Moon can be considered "dark" because it can't be seen from earth - though humans have satellites orbiting the Moon that have taken pictures of the whole thing.

For one of the showcase images, I did some touchup with Gimp and pulled out the unlit side of the Moon super well - and the lit part looks like the Sun.

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