
I finally got around to getting an extension that lets me attach the camera directly to the telescope and get good focus at the same time, so I can finally take pictures without the dusty 2x barlow. Let's try the Orion Nebula again.

For some of these, my mount wasn't tracking so well. It was not oriented right, so I shifted it slightly and got lucky because then it was really close to perfectly aligned. This was in my back yard. Anytime I setup in my tiny back yard, I can't see polaris because the house is in the way, so I can't precisely align the mount. (I have the same problem any time I setup before dark). After the mount was aligned correctly, I got some really good pictures. Some of the first star trails are actually really cool looking and are my best mistake pictures.

For the last picture, I wanted to look at the Pleiades again, but I must have bumped the focus knob, so I quit while I was ahead and went inside to touch up the best Orion Nebula picture I got.

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