I tried some astrophotography again, this time with a nice crescent Moon in the sky. That should be easer to take a picture of. And I got some blurry pictures of it. I still didn't have an extension that gets the camera in the focal range of the telescope, so I still had to use the dusty 2x barlow lens.
I got some more blurry pictures. This time I got pictures of the Moon, some stars near the Pleiades, and Sirius.
I actually tried using the Bahtinov mask to get a better focus and took a picture of the process. I think the 2x barlow lens needs cleaned because my picture through the Bahtinov mask doesn't quite look right. It also could have been caused by a very unsteady(windy) atmosphere.
I also got a short movie of the Moon with my phone adapter through my ~250x eyepiece. The atmosphere is so unsteady, it's like looking through water. In the video, I used the mount hand controls to move the view along the terminator(night/day transition line).